Low temperature oxidation of methylcyclohexane in an SI engine

Yi Yang, James Szybist, André L. Boehman

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


Low temperature oxidation of methylcyclohexane is studied in a research spark ignition (SI) engine. In-cylinder heat release is calculated, which shows the cool flame combustion occurring at the cylinder temperature < 900 K. CO and cyclic ketones are the major oxidation products at low temperature. This is an abstract of a paper presented at the 231st ACS National Meeting (Atlanta, GA 3/26-30/2006).

Original languageEnglish
JournalACS National Meeting Book of Abstracts
StatePublished - 2006
Event231th ACS National Meeting - Atlanta, GA, United States
Duration: Mar 26 2006Mar 30 2006


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