Long-range magnetic order and interchain interactions in the S=2 chain system MnCl3 (bpy)

Randy S. Fishman, Shin Ichi Shinozaki, Akira Okutani, Daichi Yoshizawa, Takanori Kida, Masayuki Hagiwara, Mark W. Meisel

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

9 Scopus citations


A compound with very weakly interacting chains, MnCl3(bpy), has attracted a great deal of attention as a possible S=2 Haldane chain. However, long-range magnetic order of the chains prevents the Haldane gap from developing below 11.5 K. Based on a four-sublattice model, a description of the antiferromagnetic resonance (AFMR) spectrum up to frequencies of 1.5 THz and magnetic fields up to 50 T indicates that the interchain coupling is indeed quite small but that the Dzaloshinskii-Moriya interaction produced by broken inversion symmetry is substantial (0.12 meV). In addition, the antiferromagnetic, nearest-neighbor interaction within each chain (3.3 meV) is significantly stronger than previously reported. The excitation spectrum of this S=2 compound is well described by a 1/S expansion about the classical limit.

Original languageEnglish
Article number104435
JournalPhysical Review B
Issue number10
StatePublished - Sep 28 2016


We thank Sasha Chernyshev for useful conversations. Research sponsored by the Department of Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences, Materials Sciences and Engineering Division (RSF), by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Grants No. 24244059, No. 25246006, and No. 25220803) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan (MH), and by the National Science Foundation through Grant No. DMR-1202033 (MWM). A part of this work was conducted under the foreign visiting professor program of the Center for Advanced High Magnetic Field Science.

FundersFunder number
National Science FoundationDMR-1202033
U.S. Department of Energy
Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences1202033
Russell Sage Foundation25246006
Office of Science
Basic Energy Sciences
Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science25220803, 24244059
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology


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