Local Atomic Configuration in Pristine and A-Site Doped Silver Niobate Perovskite Antiferroelectrics

Jing Gao, Wei Li, Jue Liu, Qian Li, Jing Feng Li

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

19 Scopus citations


Antiferroelectrics have attracted increasing research interests in recent years due to both their great potential in energy storage applications and intriguing structural characteristics. However, the links between the electrical properties and structural characteristics of distorted perovskite antiferroelectrics are yet to be fully deciphered. Here, we adopt local-structure methods to elucidate the nanoscale atomic structure of AgNbO3-based antiferroelectrics and their structural evolution upon La doping. The local structural features including interatomic distance distributions and atomic displacements have been analyzed using neutron small-box pair distribution function (PDF) refinement in conjunction with large-box Reverse Monte Carlo modelling. Our results highlight the correlation of cation displacements in AgNbO3 and its disruption by the incorporation of La, apparently in corroboration with the observed anomalous dielectric properties. Spatial ordering of cation vacancies is observed in La-doped AgNbO3 samples, which coordinates with oxygen octahedral tilting to relieve lattice strain. These results provide renewed insights into the atomic structure and antiferroelectric phase instabilities of AgNbO3 and relevant perovskite materials, further lending versatile opportunities for enhancing their functionalities.

Original languageEnglish
Article numberID 9782343
StatePublished - 2022


The authors acknowledge useful discussions with Yun Liu, Terry Frankcombe, and Yuanpeng Zhang. This work was supported by the Basic Science Center Project of NSFC under Grant No. 51788104, NSFC under Grant No. 52073155, and Tsinghua-Foshan Innovation Special Fund (TFISF) under Grant No. 2020THFS0113. Research conducted at the NOMAD beamlines at ORNL’s Spallation Neutron Source was sponsored by the Scientific User Facilities Division, Office of Basic Sciences, U.S. Department of Energy.

FundersFunder number
Office of Basic Sciences
Scientific User Facilities Division
Tsinghua-Foshan Innovation Special Fund2020THFS0113
U.S. Department of Energy
National Natural Science Foundation of China51788104, 52073155


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