Liquid 1-propanol studied by neutron scattering, near-infrared, and dielectric spectroscopy

P. Sillrén, A. Matic, M. Karlsson, M. Koza, M. MacCarini, P. Fouquet, M. Götz, Th Bauer, R. Gulich, P. Lunkenheimer, A. Loidl, J. Mattsson, C. Gainaru, E. Vynokur, S. Schildmann, S. Bauer, R. Böhmer

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Liquid monohydroxy alcohols exhibit unusual dynamics related to their hydrogen bonding induced structures. The connection between structure and dynamics is studied for liquid 1-propanol using quasi-elastic neutron scattering, combining time-of-flight and neutron spin-echo techniques, with a focus on the dynamics at length scales corresponding to the main peak and the pre-peak of the structure factor. At the main peak, the structural relaxation times are probed. These correspond well to mechanical relaxation times calculated from literature data. At the pre-peak, corresponding to length scales related to H-bonded structures, the relaxation times are almost an order of magnitude longer. According to previous work [C. Gainaru, R. Meier, S. Schildmann, C. Lederle, W. Hiller, E. Rössler, and R. Böhmer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 258303 (2010)] this time scale difference is connected to the average size of H-bonded clusters. The relation between the relaxation times from neutron scattering and those determined from dielectric spectroscopy is discussed on the basis of broad-band permittivity data of 1-propanol. Moreover, in 1-propanol the dielectric relaxation strength as well as the near-infrared absorbance reveal anomalous behavior below ambient temperature. A corresponding feature could not be found in the polyalcohols propylene glycol and glycerol.

Original languageEnglish
Article number124501
JournalJournal of Chemical Physics
Issue number12
StatePublished - Mar 28 2014
Externally publishedYes


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