Lifetime measurements in 41Ar and 41K

D. C. Radford, J. R. Southon, A. R. Poletti

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Scopus citations


The Doppler-shift attenuation method has been used in conjunction with a solid argon target and p-γ coincidences following the 40Ar(d, p) reaction to determine the lifetimes or obtain lifetime limits for six levels in 41Ar. The lifetimes measured were as follows: 1035 keV level (6.5-3.7+40 ps); 1354 keV (0.46±0.12 ps); 2398 keV (0.17±0.05 ps); 2733 keV (< 0.045 ps); 2948 keV (< 0.09 ps) and 3010 keV (< 0.16 ps). In addition, singles γ-ray measurements with both solid and gas targets were made, and lifetimes or lifetime limits for a further two levels in 41Ar and nine in 41K were extracted. These results are discussed and compared to previous measurements.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)134-144
Number of pages11
JournalNuclear Physics A
Issue number1-2
StatePublished - 1978
Externally publishedYes


  • Nuclear reactions


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