Leverage demand-side policies for energy security

Nuno Bento, Arnulf Grubler, Benigna Boza-Kiss, Simon De Stercke, Volker Krey, David L. McCollum, Caroline Zimm, Tiago Alves

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)946-949
Number of pages4
Issue number6686
StatePublished - Mar 1 2024


The authors thank anonymous reviewers for constructive feedback that substantially improved the manuscript. They also thank M. J. Machado of DINÂMIA’CET-ISCTE for administrative assistance. This research was supported by the EDITS project, which is a collaborative initiative coordinated by the Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE) and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and funded by the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI), Japan. N.B. and T.A. acknowledge funding from the Sus2Trans project, supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (PTDC/GES-AMB/0934/2020). D.L.M. acknowledges support from the Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, for the US Department of Energy (DOE). The views expressed do not represent those of ORNL/UT-Battelle or US DOE. For data and code, see Zenodo (15). Theauthors thankanonymous reviewers forconstructive feedbackthatsubstantiallyimprovedthemanuscript. Theyalso thankM .J acM hado ofDIÂMNEC’A T-ITCS Efor administrativeassistance.This research wassupportedby theEDITSproject,whichisacollaborativeinitiativecoordi-natedbytheeR search InstituteofInnovativeTechnologyfor theEarth IR( TE) andtheInternationalInstituteforApplied yS stemsA ysis(II) ASAandfundedbytheMinistryof Economy,Trade,andIndustryM( TI,) aJ pan..N .B andT.A ack owledgefundingfromtheus2S Transproject,supported bytheFundação para aiCnê ciaeaTecnologiaP( TDG/C E-S /A 02439 02 .) D.L..M acknowledges support from the LaboratoryDirectedeR search andDevelopmentProgram ofakO iRdgeatN ionalLaboratory)LNRO(managedby UT-aB ttelle,,CLL for the USDepartmentofEnergyD( OE.) The views expressed do not represent those of LNRO/UT-aB ttelle orUSDEO .Fordata andcode,seeeZ nodo ( 15).

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