Large area position sensitive detector for thermal neutrons

Polad Shikhaliev, Bruce Hannan, Yacouba Diawara, Loren Funk, Vlad Sedov, Melanie Kirkham, Ted Visscher

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1 Scopus citations


Large area thermal neutron detectors are applied in many fields including industrial imaging, nuclear safeguarding, neutron scattering, and fundamental science. Historically, these detectors were based on 3He gas proportional counters despite the limitations of 3He detectors such as high cost, limited supply, non-uniform spatial resolution, and depth of absorption problems. Two alternatives to 3He detectors are 6Li-loaded glass scintillators, and powdered ZnS(Ag) scintillators mixed with 6LiF neutron converters. The 6LiF/ZnS(Ag) scintillator has advantages over 6Li glass as it is less expensive and can be produced in larger areas, although its self-absorption presents a problem. In this work, we developed a large area thermal neutron detector based on 6LiF/ZnS(Ag) scintillator coupled with wavelength shifting fibers. The detector uses resistive charge divider-based position encoding. We further modified and improved the method by 2D segmentation of the detector using modular multichannel readout electronics. This segmentation approach allows for a combination of large detector area, improved spatial resolution, and increased count rate. Furthermore, spatial resolution can be variable across the detector area by adjusting the segment size.


  • LiF/ZnS(Ag) scintillator
  • Charge divider
  • Neutron detectors
  • Position encoding
  • Position resolution
  • Wavelength shifting fibers


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