Laboratory simulation of drill bit dynamics using a model-based servohydraulic controller

David W. Raymond, M. A. Elsayed, Yarom Polsky, Scott S. Kuszmaul

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29 Scopus citations


Drilling costs are significantly influenced by bit performance when drilling in offshore formations. Retrieving and replacing damaged downhole tools is an extraordinarily expensive and time-intensive process, easily costing several hundred thousand dollars of offshore rig time plus the cost of damaged components. Dynamic behavior of the drill string can be particularly problematic when drilling high strength rock, where the risk of bit failure increases dramatically. Many of these dysfunctions arise due to the interaction between the forces developed at the bit-rock interface and the modes of vibration of the drill string. Although existing testing facilities are adequate for characterizing bit performance in various formations and operating conditions, they lack the necessary drill string attributes to characterize the interaction between the bit and the bottom hole assembly (BHA). A facility that includes drill string compliance and yet allows real-rock/ bit interaction would provide an advanced practical understanding of the influence of drill string dynamics on bit life and performance. Such a facility can be used to develop new bit designs and cutter materials, qualify downhole component reliability, and thus mitigate the harmful effects of vibration. It can also serve as a platform for investigating process-related parameters, which influence drilling performance and bit-induced vibration to develop improved practices for drilling operators. The development of an advanced laboratory simulation capability is being pursued to allow the dynamic properties of a BHA to be reproduced in the laboratory. This simulated BHA is used to support an actual drill bit while conducting drilling tests in representative rocks in the laboratory. The advanced system can be used to model the response of more complex representations of a drill string with multiple modes of vibration. Application of the system to field drilling data is also addressed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)431031-4310312
Number of pages3879282
JournalJournal of Energy Resources Technology, Transactions of the ASME
Issue number4
StatePublished - Dec 2008
Externally publishedYes


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