Kaon production in Au+Au collisions at [Formula Presented]

L. Ahle, Y. Akiba, K. Ashktorab, M. D. Baker, D. Beavis, H. C. Britt, J. Chang, C. Chasman, Z. Chen, C. Y. Chi, Y. Y. Chu, V. Cianciolo, B. A. Cole, H. J. Crawford, J. B. Cumming, R. Debbe, J. C. Dunlop, W. Eldredge, J. Engelage, S. Y. FungE. Garcia, S. Gushue, H. Hamagaki, L. F. Hansen, R. S. Hayano, G. Heintzelman, E. Judd, J. Kang, E. J. Kim, A. Kumagai, K. Kurita, J. H. Lee, J. Luke, Y. Miake, A. Mignerey, B. Moskowitz, M. Moulson, C. Muentz, S. Nagamiya, M. N. Namboodiri, C. A. Ogilvie, J. Olness, L. P. Remsberg, H. Sako, T. C. Sangster, R. Seto, J. Shea, K. Shigaki, R. Soltz, S. G. Steadman, G. S.F. Stephans, M. J. Tannenbaum, J. H. Thomas, S. Ueno-Hayashi, F. Videbaek, F. Wang, Y. Wu, H. Xiang, G. H. Xu, K. Yagi, H. Yao, W. A. Zajc, F. Zhu

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101 Scopus citations


A systematic study of the spectra and yields of [Formula Presented] and [Formula Presented] is reported by experiment E866 as a function of centrality in Au+Au collisions at [Formula Presented] The invariant transverse spectra for both kaon species are well described by exponentials in [Formula Presented] with inverse slope parameters that are largest at midrapidity and which increase with centrality. The inverse slopes of the [Formula Presented] spectra are slightly larger than the inverse slopes of the [Formula Presented] spectra. The kaon rapidity density peaks at midrapidity with the [Formula Presented] distribution wider in rapidity than [Formula Presented] The integrated total yields of [Formula Presented] and [Formula Presented] increase nonlinearly and steadily with the number of projectile participants. The yield per participant for kaons is two to three times larger than the yield from [Formula Presented] collisions. This enhancement suggests that the majority of kaons in central Au+Au reactions are produced in secondary hadronic collisions. There is no evidence for an onset of additional kaon production from a possible small volume of baryon-rich quark-gluon plasma. The differences between [Formula Presented] and [Formula Presented] rapidity distributions and transverse spectra are consistent with a lower phase space for [Formula Presented] production due to a higher energy threshold. These differences also exclude simple thermal models that assume emission from a common equilibrated system.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3523-3538
Number of pages16
JournalPhysical Review C - Nuclear Physics
Issue number6
StatePublished - 1998
Externally publishedYes


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