Interfacing MCNPX and McStas for simulation of neutron transport

Esben Klinkby, Bent Lauritzen, Erik Nonbøl, Peter Kjær Willendrup, Uwe Filges, Michael Wohlmuther, Franz X. Gallmeier

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17 Scopus citations


Simulations of target-moderator-reflector system at spallation sources are conventionally carried out using Monte Carlo codes such as MCNPX (Waters et al., 2007 [1]) or FLUKA (Battistoni et al., 2007; Ferrari et al., 2005 [2,3]) whereas simulations of neutron transport from the moderator and the instrument response are performed by neutron ray tracing codes such as McStas (Lefmann and Nielsen, 1999; Willendrup et al., 2004, 2011a,b [4-7]). The coupling between the two simulation suites typically consists of providing analytical fits of MCNPX neutron spectra to McStas. This method is generally successful but has limitations, as it e.g. does not allow for re-entry of neutrons into the MCNPX regime. Previous work to resolve such shortcomings includes the introduction of McStas inspired supermirrors in MCNPX. In the present paper different approaches to interface MCNPX and McStas are presented and applied to a simple test case. The direct coupling between MCNPX and McStas allows for more accurate simulations of e.g. complex moderator geometries, backgrounds, interference between beam-lines as well as shielding requirements along the neutron guides.


  • Interface
  • McStas
  • Neutron
  • Simulation
  • Transport


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