Interactions between mobile dislocation loops in Cu and α-Fe

Yu N. Osetsky, A. Serra, V. Priego

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

62 Scopus citations


The relevance of one-dimensionally gliding clusters in the understanding of the damage accumulation produced by the displacement cascades has been underlined by the production bias model. The properties and mobility of isolated clusters of vacancies and self-interstitials have been recently studied by molecular dynamics and valuable information about their diffusional characteristics is obtained. The next step in the understanding of radiation damage should include the possible reactions of these clusters with other clusters, dislocations and other sinks. In this paper we present the first results of a molecular dynamics study of interactions between glissile interstitial clusters and small dislocation loops in α-Fe and Cu. Different types of interactions have been studied between clusters of different sizes (from 12 to 91 defects) in the temperature range from 300 to 1000 K. As a result of the inter-cluster interactions both glissile and sessile clusters can be obtained and this depends on the metal, reaction type and size of the clusters. In general the probability to form sessile clusters increases for larger clusters and it is higher in Cu. The results obtained are discussed from the point of view of the difference in radiation damage effects in fcc Cu and bcc Fe.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)202-212
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Nuclear Materials
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 1 2000
Externally publishedYes
EventProceedings of the 1998 International Workshop on Basic Aspects of Differences in Irradiation Effects Between FCC, BCC, and HCP Metals and Alloys - Austurias, Spain
Duration: Oct 15 1998Oct 20 1998


This research has been carried out using the facilities of CESCA and CEPBA (Barcelona, Spain) under the coordination of C4 and under the project PB96-0170-CO3-03 from DGES. Yu.N.O. acknowledges the Research Fellowship from the University of Liverpool.

FundersFunder number
University of Liverpool


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