Influence of up-down asymmetry in plasma shape on RMP response

Yueqiang Liu, B. C. Lyons, Shuai Gu, A. Kirk, Li Li, C. Paz-Soldan, M. W. Shafer, A. D. Turnbull

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

8 Scopus citations


Shaping effect on the plasma response to the externally applied resonant magnetic perturbation field is investigated for both DIII-D and MAST experiments, utilizing toroidal modeling. The plasma boundary shape is systematically varied ranging from single-null (SN) to double-null (DN) configurations, while other equilibrium quantities are kept largely unchanged. The relative amplitude of the computed plasma surface displacement, between the top/bottom of the torus and the outboard mid-plane, is identified as the most reliable indicator that distinguishes the plasma response between the SN and DN configurations. The underlying physics is the weakening of the edge-peeling component in the plasma response with increasing up-down symmetry of the plasma boundary shape.

Original languageEnglish
Article number065003
JournalPlasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
Issue number6
StatePublished - Jun 2021


  • ELM control
  • Plasma response
  • Plasma shape
  • RMP


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