Inductance testing for IPM synchronous machines according to the new IEEE Std 1812 and typical laboratory practices

Vandana Rallabandi, Narges Taran, Dan M. Ionel, Ping Zhou

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

26 Scopus citations


Equivalent circuit parameters serve as the basis for performance estimation and implementation of power electronic drives controls and therefore their accurate evaluation is very important. Specified in the newly approved IEEE Std 1812, a short-circuit test can be employed, in combination with an open-circuit measurement, in order to determine the back emf and the synchronous inductance. In the case of interior permanent magnet (IPM) machines, this approach can be used only to determine the d-axis inductance and additional and separate measurements are required for the q-axis inductance. In this respect, various methods, inclusive of dc step response tests, on-load tests, and a widely used test in industry, which involves locked-rotor measurements at variable voltage and constant frequency supply, are studied in detail, based on two-dimensional finite element analysis. Locked-rotor methods based on dc current supply and static torque versus rotor position measurements are introduced for determining the q-axis inductance in combination with the standardized open-circuit and short-circuit tests. A critical study of the inductances determined from different tests is conducted, and experimental results on an IPM motor design with non-sinusoidal back emf, relatively high torque ripple, and low leakage are presented.

Original languageEnglish
Article number8635332
Pages (from-to)2649-2659
Number of pages11
JournalIEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
Issue number3
StatePublished - May 1 2019
Externally publishedYes


  • d-axis
  • IEEE Std 1812
  • inductance
  • parameter estimation
  • permanent magnet (PM) machine
  • q-axis
  • short-circuit test


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