Individual phase constitutive properties of a TRIP-assisted QP980 steel from a combined synchrotron X-ray diffraction and crystal plasticity approach

X. H. Hu, X. Sun, L. G. Hector, Y. Ren

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

81 Scopus citations


Microstructure-based constitutive models for multiphase steels require accurate constitutive properties of the individual phases for component forming and performance simulations. We address this requirement with a combined experimental/theoretical methodology which determines the critical resolved shear stresses and hardening parameters of the constituent phases in QP980, a TRIP assisted steel subject to a two-step quenching and partitioning heat treatment. High energy X-Ray diffraction (HEXRD) from a synchrotron source provided the average lattice strains of the ferrite, martensite, and austenite phases from the measured volume during in situ tensile deformation. The HEXRD data was then input to a computationally efficient, elastic-plastic self-consistent (EPSC) crystal plasticity model which estimated the constitutive parameters of different slip systems for the three phases via a trial-and-error approach. The EPSC-estimated parameters are then input to a finite element crystal plasticity (CPFE) model representing the QP980 tensile sample. The predicted lattice strains and global stress versus strain curves are found to be 8% lower that the EPSC model predicted values and from the HEXRD measurements, respectively. This discrepancy, which is attributed to the stiff secant assumption in the EPSC formulation, is resolved with a second step in which CPFE is used to iteratively refine the EPSC-estimated parameters. Remarkably close agreement is obtained between the theoretically-predicted and experimentally derived flow curve for the QP980 material.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)230-244
Number of pages15
JournalActa Materialia
StatePublished - Jun 15 2017
Externally publishedYes


  • CRSS and hardening parameters
  • Crystal plasticity finite element model
  • Elastic plastic self-consistent model
  • Quench and partitioning steels
  • Synchrotron radiation
  • X-ray diffraction


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