Incorporating Indium Oxide into Microplasma Reactor for CO2 Conversion to Methanol

Ru Jin, Qi Wu, Haochuan He, Changhua Wang, Yuanyuan Li, Dexin Jin, Shuang Liang, He Ma, Dashuai Li, Rui Wang, Yingying Li, Xintong Zhang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The clean conversion of CO2 is a strategic issue for addressing global climate change and advancing energy transformation. While the current clean CO2 conversion is limited to the H2 pyrolysis process, using H2O as a proton source is more promising and sustainable. A microplasma discharge method is developed, driven by electricity, and utilized for CO2 conversion with H2O. The microplasma integrates the advantages of high energy density in discharge plasma and microchannel reaction spaces, achieving a rapid resource conversion process of CO2 and water and a high selectivity for methanol production. By further combining In2O3 with microplasma and optimizing the structure of In2O3, is improved the selectivity of methanol production to 86.66%. The methanol production rate reached 72.64 mmol g−1 h¹, which is higher than other clean energy-driven conversion technologies. This work provides a green route for uphill reactions in clean CO2 conversion, offering a new approach for CO2 emission reduction and resource utilization.

Original languageEnglish
JournalSmall Methods
StateAccepted/In press - 2025
Externally publishedYes


  • CO conversion
  • InO
  • microplasma
  • photo-plasma catalysis


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