Improved Neutron Lifetime Measurement with

F. M. Gonzalez, E. M. Fries, C. Cude-Woods, T. Bailey, M. Blatnik, L. J. Broussard, N. B. Callahan, J. H. Choi, S. M. Clayton, S. A. Currie, M. Dawid, E. B. Dees, B. W. Filippone, W. Fox, P. Geltenbort, E. George, L. Hayen, K. P. Hickerson, M. A. Hoffbauer, K. HoffmanA. T. Holley, T. M. Ito, A. Komives, C. Y. Liu, M. Makela, C. L. Morris, R. Musedinovic, C. O’Shaughnessy, R. W. Pattie, J. Ramsey, D. J. Salvat, A. Saunders, E. I. Sharapov, S. Slutsky, V. Su, X. Sun, C. Swank, Z. Tang, W. Uhrich, J. Vanderwerp, P. Walstrom, Z. Wang, W. Wei, A. R. Young

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101 Scopus citations


We report an improved measurement of the free neutron lifetime using the apparatus at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center. We count a total of approximately surviving ultracold neutrons (UCNs) after storing in ’s magnetogravitational trap over two data acquisition campaigns in 2017 and 2018. We extract from three blinded, independent analyses by both pairing long and short storage time runs to find a set of replicate measurements and by performing a global likelihood fit to all data while self-consistently incorporating the -decay lifetime. Both techniques achieve consistent results and find a value . With this sensitivity, neutron lifetime experiments now directly address the impact of recent refinements in our understanding of the standard model for neutron decay.

Original languageEnglish
Article number162501
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number16
StatePublished - Oct 15 2021


Los Alamos National Laboratory Laboratory Directed Research and Development U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science Nuclear Physics National Science Foundation This work is supported by the LANL LDRD program; the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Nuclear Physics under Awards No. DE-FG02-ER41042, No. DE-AC52-06NA25396, No. DE-AC05-00OR2272, and No. 89233218CNA000001 under proposal LANLEEDM; NSF Grants No. 1614545, No. 1914133, No. 1506459, No. 1553861, No. 1812340, No. 1714461, and No. 1913789; and NIST precision measurements grant.


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