Importance of doping and frustration in itinerant Fe-doped Cr2Al

M. A. Susner, D. S. Parker, A. S. Sefat

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


We have performed an experimental and theoretical study comparing the effects of Fe-doping of Cr2Al, an antiferromagnet with a Néel temperature of 670 K, with known results on Fe-doping of antiferromagnetic bcc Cr. (Cr1-xFex)2Al materials are found to exhibit a rapid suppression of antiferromagnetic order with the presence of Fe, decreasing TN to ≈170 K for x=0.10. Antiferromagnetic behavior disappears entirely at x≈0.125 after which point increasing paramagnetic behavior is exhibited. This is unlike the effects of Fe doping of bcc antiferromagnetic Cr, in which TN gradually decreases followed by the appearance of a ferromagnetic state. Theoretical calculations explain that the Cr2Al-Fe suppression of magnetic order originates from two causes: the first is band narrowing caused by doping of additional electrons from Fe substitution that weakens itinerant magnetism; the second is magnetic frustration of the Cr itinerant moments in Fe-substituted Cr2Al. In pure-phase Cr2Al, the Cr moments have an antiparallel alignment; however, these are destroyed through Fe substitution and the preference of Fe for parallel alignment with Cr. This is unlike bulk Fe-doped Cr alloys in which the Fe anti-aligns with the Cr atoms, and speaks to the importance of the Al atoms in the magnetic structure of Cr2Al and Fe-doped Cr2Al.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)68-73
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
StatePublished - May 16 2015


This work was supported by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory LDRD funding program. A.S. also acknowledges support by the Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Materials Sciences and Engineering Division . We acknowledge Zachary C. Sims for his assistance in collecting resistivity data. Finally, we give our sincerest thanks to Lisa Zevorich Susner for her assistance in revising the manuscript.


  • Antiferromagnetic ordering
  • CrAl
  • Magnetic frustration


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