Impact of neutral gas puffing on the divertor power exhaust and particle control in GAMMA 10/PDX by the LINDA-KNMC code

Md Shahinul Islam, Yousuke Nakashima, Akiyoshi Hatayama, Kazuo Hoshino, Mizuki Sakamoto

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


This paper numerically investigates the impact of neutral gas puffing on the divertor power exhaust and particle control in GAMMA 10/PDX applying the plasma fluid code LINDA and the kinetic neutral code KMNC. The LINDA code is applied to GAMMA 10/PDX plasmas for understanding the physics of detachment and energy loss processes. The LINDA code is coupled with a Monte–Carlo neutral code for describing the hydrogen (H and H2) neutral particles. The plasma ion temperature (Ti) is reduced towards the target plate with the increment of H2 Gas-Puff rate. This paper also numerically investigates the impact of recombination processes on the detached formation. The ionization, charge–exchange, and recombination of H have been included as a particle and an energy sink and source parts of the fluid equations. The reaction rate coefficient of molecular activated recombination (MAR) has been recently introduced in the LINDA code. In this paper, we study numerically the effect of MAR on the detached plasma. The MAR plays a dominant role in making the detached plasma. The simulation clarified that H neutral particles injection can effectively generate the detached plasma by enhancing the plasma-neutral collisions processes.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere202100141
JournalContributions to Plasma Physics
Issue number5-6
StatePublished - Jun 1 2022
Externally publishedYes


  • GAMMA 10/PDX
  • fluid code
  • kinetic neutral code
  • plasma detachment


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