Impact of modeling choices on inventory and in-cask criticality calculations for Forsmark 3 BWR spent fuel

J. S. Martinez, B. J. Ade, S. M. Bowman, I. C. Gauld, G. Ilas, W. J. Marshall

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

2 Scopus citations


Simulation of boiling water reactor (BWR) fuel depletion poses a challenge for nuclide inventory validation and nuclear criticality safety analyses. This challenge is due to the complex operating conditions and assembly design heterogeneities that characterize these nuclear systems. Fuel depletion simulations and in-cask criticality calculations are affected by (1) completeness of design information, (2) variability of operating conditions needed for modeling purposes, and (3) possible modeling choices. These effects must be identified, quantified, and ranked according to their significance. This paper presents an investigation of BWR fuel depletion using a complete set of actual design specifications and detailed operational data available for five operating cycles of the Swedish BWR Forsmark 3 reactor. The data includes detailed axial profiles of power, burnup, and void fraction in a very fine temporal mesh for a GE14 (10×10) fuel assembly. The specifications of this case can be used to assess the impacts of different modeling choices on inventory prediction and in-cask criticality, specifically regarding the key parameters that drive inventory and reactivity throughout fuel burnup. This study focused on the effects of the fidelity with which power history and void fraction distributions are modeled. The corresponding sensitivity of the reactivity in storage configurations is assessed, and the impacts of modeling choices on decay heat and inventory are addressed.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationICNC 2015 - International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety
PublisherAmerican Nuclear Society
Number of pages14
ISBN (Electronic)9780894487231
StatePublished - 2015
Event2015 International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety, ICNC 2015 - Charlotte, United States
Duration: Sep 13 2015Sep 17 2015

Publication series

NameICNC 2015 - International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety


Conference2015 International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety, ICNC 2015
Country/TerritoryUnited States


  • BWR
  • Burnup credit
  • Forsmark 3
  • Inventory
  • Scale


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