Impact of Halogen Groups on the Properties of PEA-Based 2D Pb–Sn Halide Perovskites

Elham Foadian, Sheryl L. Sanchez, Sumner B. Harris, Benjamin J. Lawrie, Astita Dubey, Yipeng Tang, Bin Hu, Jonghee Yang, Mahshid Ahmadi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Tuning broad emission in 2D Pb–Sn halide perovskites (HPs) is essential for advancing optoelectronic applications, particularly for color-tunable and white-light-emitting devices. This broad emission is linked to structural factors, such as defects and phase segregation of the Pb component within the Pb–Sn system, which are strongly influenced by the molecular structure and chemical properties of spacer cations. Atomic tuning of the spacers via halogenation opens up a new way to fine-tune the molecular properties, enabling further augmentations of HP functionalities. Nevertheless, the distinct broad emission's sensitivity to spacer chemistry remains underexplored. Here, halogenation's influence is systematically investigated on 2D HP emission characteristics using a high-throughput workflow. These findings reveal that the F-containing phenethylammonium (4F-PEA) spacer narrows the broadband PL, whereas Cl broadens it. Through a correlative study, it is found that 4F-PEA reduces not only the local phase segregation but also the defect levels and microstrains in 2D HPs. This is likely attributed to the manifestation of less lattice distortion via stronger surface coordination of the dipole-augmented 4F-PEA. These results highlight halogenation as a key factor in modulating phase segregation and defect density in 2D Pb–Sn HPs, offering a promising pathway to tune the emission for enhanced optoelectronic performance.

Original languageEnglish
JournalAdvanced Optical Materials
StateAccepted/In press - 2025


  • 2D Pb–Sn halide perovskites
  • defects
  • halogenation of spacer cation
  • high-throughput experiments
  • phase segregation


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