Impact of fusion reactor neutronics modeling for transmutation and thermal feedback

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Fusion neutronics calculations provide important metrics pertinent to fusion device operations, such as tritium breeding ratios (TBRs) and data on heat deposition, material activation, and damage. Because of the high computational burden required to generate a high-fidelity Monte Carlo simulation of a 3D fusion device, various assumptions are made to reduce computational time by simplifying the reactor model or the calculation iteration. This paper explores the impact of fusion neutronics metrics such as the TBR and decay heat of structural materials based on assumptions of material composition in the fusion reactor and temperature modeling of materials. Results show that for compact tokamaks with high power and long operational cycles, the transmutation of structural materials is significant enough to cause a substantial change in the flux spectrum and decrease the TBR by 1.68% after 2 years of full power operation. Additionally, assuming a constant temperature and material density can impact the TBR calculations up to 3%.

Original languageEnglish
Article number126037
JournalNuclear Fusion
Issue number12
StatePublished - Dec 2023


All the authors of this paper are funded under contract ARPA-E GAMOW award DE-AR0001369 with the US Department of Energy.


  • MCNP
  • fusion neutronics
  • multiphysics coupling
  • tritium breeding ratio


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