High temperature materials for heavy duty diesel engines: Historical and future trends

Dean Pierce, Allen Haynes, Jeff Hughes, Ron Graves, Phil Maziasz, Govindarajan Muralidharan, Amit Shyam, Ben Wang, Roger England, Claus Daniel

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

154 Scopus citations


Heavy duty (HD) vehicles are projected to be the largest fuel-use subsector in transportation, with current demand for diesel fuel projected to grow 30% by 2040. Historically, a primary strategy for increasing diesel engine efficiency has been to increase peak cylinder pressure (PCP). However, increasing PCP imparts greater mechanical and thermal loads on engine components and materials. In recent years, the material property limits for many components have been reached and further increases in PCP above ∼20 MPa have been difficult, while still maintaining the necessary affordability and longevity of on-road HD diesel engines. This paper reviews the historical evolution and major metallurgical advancements of high temperature materials in HD on road diesel engines (10–15 L displacement) up to the current state of the art, focusing on materials in the engine block, cylinder heads, pistons, valves, and exhaust components. These components cover a wide range of material classes, including cast iron, ferritic steel, austenitic steel, titanium alloys, nickel based super-alloys, and high temperature coatings. The microstructural degradation and failure mechanisms of the materials associated with the complex mechanical and thermal loading during service are discussed and key areas for future materials research are suggested that overcome technical barriers.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)109-179
Number of pages71
JournalProgress in Materials Science
StatePublished - Jun 2019


Compilation of this review paper was sponsored by the Propulsion Materials Program , DOE Vehicle Technologies Office . The authors gratefully acknowledge Victoria Bouwens (Eaton Co.), Sandy Schaefer and Sundaram Narasimhan (both formerly of Eaton Co.), Dieter Gabriel (MAHLE Engine Components USA, Inc.), and Michael Brady, Yukinori Yamamoto, Charles Finney, Ercan Cakmak, and Bruce Pint, all of ORNL, for insightful discussions regarding this manuscript. Compilation of this review paper was sponsored by the Propulsion Materials Program, DOE Vehicle Technologies Office. The authors gratefully acknowledge Victoria Bouwens (Eaton Co.), Sandy Schaefer and Sundaram Narasimhan (both formerly of Eaton Co.), Dieter Gabriel (MAHLE Engine Components USA, Inc.), and Michael Brady, Yukinori Yamamoto, Charles Finney, Ercan Cakmak, and Bruce Pint, all of ORNL, for insightful discussions regarding this manuscript.


  • Austenitic steel
  • Cast iron
  • Diesel engines
  • Martensitic steel
  • Microalloyed steel
  • Nickel based superalloys


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