High superconducting anisotropy and weak vortex pinning in Co-doped LaFeAsO

G. Li, G. Grissonnanche, J. Q. Yan, R. W. McCallum, T. A. Lograsso, H. D. Zhou, L. Balicas

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9 Scopus citations


Here, we present an electrical transport study in single crystals of LaFe 0.92Co 0.08AsO (T c9.1K) under high magnetic fields. In contrast to most of the previously reported Fe based superconductors, and despite its relatively low T c, LaFe 0.92Co 0.08AsO shows a superconducting anisotropy which is comparable to those seen, for instance, in the cuprates or γ H=Hc2ab/Hc2c= m c/m ab9, where m c/m ab is the effective-mass anisotropy, although, in the present case and as in all Fe based superconductors, γ→1 as T→0. Under the application of an external field, we also observe a remarkable broadening of the superconducting transition particularly for fields applied along the interplanar direction. Both observations indicate that the low dimensionality of LaFe 1-xCo xAsO is likely to lead to a more complex vortex phase diagram when compared to the other Fe arsenides and consequently, to a pronounced dissipation associated with the movement of vortices in a possible vortex liquid phase. When compared to, for instance, F-doped compounds pertaining to the same family, we obtain rather small activation energies for the motion of vortices. This suggests that the disorder introduced by doping LaFeAsO with F is more effective in pinning the vortices than alloying it with Co.

Original languageEnglish
Article number054517
JournalPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Issue number5
StatePublished - Aug 27 2012


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