High-spin proton and neutron intruder configurations in 106Cd

P. H. Regan, A. E. Stuchbery, G. D. Dracoulis, A. P. Byrne, G. J. Lane, T. Kibédi, D. C. Radford, A. Galindo-Uribarri, V. P. Janzen, D. Ward, S. M. Mullins, G. Hackman, J. H. DeGraaf, M. Cromaz, S. Pilotte

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

44 Scopus citations


High-spin states in 106Cd have been studied with the reactions 94Zr(16O, 4n)106Cd and 76Ge(34S, 4n)106Cd. A rotational band, based on a two-quasineutron (h 11 2)2 configuration, is observed from its 10+ bandhead to spin 28 H{stroke}. This structure undergoes a band-crossing at a rotational frequency of approximately 0.45 MeV /H{stroke}, interpreted as the alignment of a pair of g 7 2 neutrons. Time-correlated spectroscopy has been used to identify states above the previously observed 12+ isomer at 4660 keV. These include a weakly populated, strongly coupled structure which indirectly feeds the isomer, and whose alignment and in-band decay properties are consistent with a deformed ν(h 11 2)2π(g 9 2g 7 2), four-quasiparticle configuration. The results are discussed in terms of cranked-shell-model and total-routhian-surface calculations. No evidence is found for a reported 16+ isomer at 7119 keV.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)351-376
Number of pages26
JournalNuclear Physics A
Issue number2
StatePublished - Apr 10 1995
Externally publishedYes


Dr. R.M. Clark (Berkeley) is thanked for important discussions regarding the interpretation of the total-routhian-surface and cranked-shell-model calculations. Drs. S.S. Anderssen, P.M. Davidson, P.M. Walker, K.C. Yeung and the technical staff at the 14UD accelerator are thanked for their assistance during the ANU experiments. Mr. R. MacLeod is thanked for his help during the Chalk River experiment. Mr. R. Turkentine is thanked for preparing the enriched 94Zr target. PHR and AES acknowledge the receipt of a grant from the Access to Major Facilities Overseas Program by the Australian Department of Industry, Science and Technology (DIST). Some of the data were analysed with the help of the analysis programs SLICE, GF2 and ESCL8R \[38\].T his work was in part supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and AECL Research.


  • Compton-suppressed detectors
  • Enriched targets
  • Ge hyperpure
  • Ge(S, 4n)Cd E = 140 MeV
  • NUCLEAR REACTIONS Zr(O, 4n)Cd, E = 88,92 MeV
  • Quasiparticle configurations
  • cranked-shell-model calculations
  • measured γ - gg(t), E, L, DCO ratios, Cd deduced levels J, π, B(M1) B(E2) ratios, g - g Q
  • pulsed-beam
  • quasiparticle alignments
  • total-routhian-surface calculations


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