High resolution magnetic field measurements in hydrogen and helium plasmas using active laser spectroscopy

Abdullah Zafar, Elijah Martin, Steve Shannon

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2 Scopus citations


Passive spectroscopic measurements of Zeeman splitting have been used reliably to measure magnetic fields in plasmas for decades. However, a requirement is that the field magnitude must be sufficiently strong to be resolved over Doppler and instrument broadening (typically >10 000 G). A diagnostic for measuring magnetic fields spectroscopically well below this limit (>20 G) with high sensitivity has been developed at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The diagnostic relies on measuring a high resolution spectral profile using Doppler-free saturation spectroscopy (DFSS) and then fitting the spectrum to a quantum mechanical model. DFSS is an active, laser based technique that greatly reduces the influence of Doppler broadening and eliminates instrument broadening. To date, the diagnostic has been successfully employed to measure the magnetic field in magnetized (550-900 G), low-temperature (5-10 eV), low-density (1010-1012 cm-3), hydrogen and helium plasmas in the 5-200 mTorr pressure range using a low power (25 mW) diode laser. Implementing an approximate crossover resonance model, the measurements are shown to be accurate within 5 G for helium and 83 G for hydrogen. The accuracy in hydrogen can be improved to 39 G if the crossover resonances are neglected. A more robust crossover model can decrease this error to <1 G.

Original languageEnglish
Article number10D126
JournalReview of Scientific Instruments
Issue number10
StatePublished - Oct 1 2018


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