High resolution dataset from a net-zero home that demonstrates zero-carbon living and transportation capacity

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


This dataset includes high resolution, detailed end use data from a net-zero occupied home that demonstrates zero-carbon living and transportation capacity. The house is located in Davis, California, U.S., and the dataset includes full year data from 2020 with 1 minute time resolution. The data has been monitored with more than 230 sensors installed in the house, and there are total 332 channels available. The data includes detailed end use electricity data (e.g., HVAC system, lighting, plug load including major appliances), building's interior thermal conditions (e.g., indoor air temperatures in multiple rooms and relative humidity), HVAC system operation data (e.g., soil temperatures around ground bores and supply water temperatures), on-site power generation system data (e.g., PV power supply and PV surface temperatures) and etc. The original dataset from the house has been curated, and the data has been carefully reviewed for quality check. The data quality check revealed there are 156 minutes of data were missing in the month of April, and around 1,404 minutes of data was missing in August. The data gap was filled with linear interpolation in case the gap is less than continuous 6 hours. Otherwise, the data is filled with -9999. The data curation has been processed using the Tsdat framework (https://github.com/tsdat/tsdat). In addition, a semantic description for the dataset was generated by leveraging the Brick (https://brickschema.org/). The final curated and processed data as well as raw data are currently available through https://bbd.labworks.org/ds/bbd/hshus.

Original languageEnglish
Article number108703
JournalData in Brief
StatePublished - Dec 2022


  • Electrification
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Ground Source Heat Pump
  • Net-zero home
  • Renewable Energy
  • Smart Home
  • Sustainable Home


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