High performance aluminum-air flow batteries through double-face architecture and laser-modified and friction-stir processed 3D anode

Lingyue Zhang, David Fieser, Bapi Bera, Douglas Aaron, Matthew M. Mench, Anming Hu, Yuan Li, Jian Chen, Zhili Feng, Antonino Gulino, Giuseppe Compagnini

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


Aluminum-air batteries (AAB) are regarded as one of the most promising beyond-lithium high-energy-density storage candidates. This paper introduces a three-dimensional (3D) Al 7075 anode enabled by femtosecond laser and friction-stir process which, along with a special double-face anode architecture provides world-class performance. Electrochemical characterizations prove that the corrosion resistance of the modified 3D Al 7075 FSP anode was enhanced, and electrochemically active surface area (ECSA) was increased compared with that of normal Al 7075 anode. Friction-stir processing reduced the mean grain size from 30 μm to 3 μm. The discharge performance of 3D Al 7075 FSP anode is shown to be quite stable, and the average values of energy density are significantly increased from 2256 mWh g−1 to 2941 mWh g−1 at 100 mA cm−2. In a double-face flowing Al-air battery system, the 3D Al 7075 FSP anode exhibited significantly better electrocatalytic performance (discharge voltage of 0.76 V at 400 mA cm−2, and power density of 337.8 mW cm−2) than that of a commercial Al 7075 anode.

Original languageEnglish
Article number233752
JournalJournal of Power Sources
StatePublished - Jan 1 2024


The research in ORNL is funded in part by US Department of Energy's Vehicle Technologies Program , through its Lightweight and Propulsion Materials Program. This manuscript has been authored by UT-Battelle, LLC , under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 with the US Department of Energy (DOE) . The publisher acknowledges the US government license to provide public access under the DOE Public Access Plan ( https://energy.gov/downloads/doe-public-access-plan ). The authors were grateful to the University of Tennessee, Knoxville for the start-up hiring package and upgrading the advanced manufacturing facilities. DF acknowledged the UT 100 PhD scholarship. AG and GC would like to thank the PON project Bionanotech Research and Innovation Tower (BRIT) financed by the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research (MIUR) . The authors were grateful to the University of Tennessee, Knoxville for the start-up hiring package and upgrading the advanced manufacturing facilities. DF acknowledged the UT 100 PhD scholarship. AG and GC would like to thank the PON project Bionanotech Research and Innovation Tower (BRIT) financed by the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research (MIUR). The research in ORNL is funded in part by US Department of Energy's Vehicle Technologies Program, through its Lightweight and Propulsion Materials Program. This manuscript has been authored by UT-Battelle, LLC, under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 with the US Department of Energy (DOE). The publisher acknowledges the US government license to provide public access under the DOE Public Access Plan (https://energy.gov/downloads/doe-public-access-plan).


  • 3D surface anode
  • Aluminum air battery (AAB)
  • Femtosecond laser
  • Flow battery
  • Friction-stir processing


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