High-harmonic fast-wave power flow along magnetic field lines in the scrape-off layer of NSTX

R. J. Perkins, J. C. Hosea, G. J. Kramer, J. W. Ahn, R. E. Bell, A. Diallo, S. Gerhardt, T. K. Gray, D. L. Green, E. F. Jaeger, M. A. Jaworski, B. P. Leblanc, A. McLean, R. Maingi, C. K. Phillips, L. Roquemore, P. M. Ryan, S. Sabbagh, G. Taylor, J. R. Wilson

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

60 Scopus citations


A significant fraction of high-harmonic fast-wave (HHFW) power applied to NSTX can be lost to the scrape-off layer (SOL) and deposited in bright and hot spirals on the divertor rather than in the core plasma. We show that the HHFW power flows to these spirals along magnetic field lines passing through the SOL in front of the antenna, implying that the HHFW power couples across the entire width of the SOL rather than mostly at the antenna face. This result will help guide future efforts to understand and minimize these edge losses in order to maximize fast-wave heating and current drive.

Original languageEnglish
Article number045001
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number4
StatePublished - Jul 27 2012


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