Heterospin junctions in zigzag-edged graphene nanoribbons

Eduardo C. Girão, Liangbo Liang, Vincent Meunier

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


We propose a graphene nanoribbon-based heterojunction, where a defect-free interface separates two zigzag graphene nanoribbons prepared in opposite antiferromagnetic spin configurations. This heterospin junction is found to allow the redirecting of low-energy electrons from one edge to the other. The basic scattering mechanisms and their relation to the system's geometry are investigated through a combination of Landauer-Green's function and the S-matrix and eigen-channel methods within a tight-binding + Hubbard model validated with density functional theory. The findings demonstrate the possibility of using zigzag-edged graphene nanoribbons (zGNRs) in complex networks where current can be transmitted across the entire system, instead of following the shortest paths along connected edges belonging to the same sub-lattice.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)351-365
Number of pages15
JournalApplied Sciences (Switzerland)
Issue number3
StatePublished - Sep 1 2014
Externally publishedYes


  • Edge states
  • Graphene nanoribbons
  • Green's functions
  • Quantum transport


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