Helium transport and exhaust studies of H-mode discharges in the DIII-D tokamak

D. L. Hillis, M. R. Wade, J. T. Hogan, W. P. West, K. H. Burrell, R. Maingi, C. C. Klepper, M. M. Menon, P. K. Mioduszewski, M. A. Mahdavi, G. L. Jackson, N. H. Brooks, D. F. Finkenthal

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A collaborative program has been initiated on DIII-D to study helium (He) transport and exhaust in H-mode plasmas. To simulate the presence of He ash in DIII-D, a 50 ms He puff is injected into a DIII-D plasma, resulting in a He concentration of approximately 15%. The time dependence of the He density profiles in the plasma core is measured with charge-exchange recombination spectroscopy and the He spatial distribution on the divertor floor is studied with an impurity monitor array. The dependence of core transport diffusivities as a function of edge-localized modes (ELM) frequency has been studied and the first demonstration made of He exhaust from an ELMing H-mode plasma in a diverted tokamak. A measured value of tau *He/ tau E of 14 was obtained, which is within the acceptable range for a fusion reactor.

Original languageEnglish
Article number023
Pages (from-to)A171-A176
JournalPlasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
Issue number7 A
StatePublished - 1994


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