Guidelines and considerations for designing field experiments simulating precipitation extremes in forest ecosystems

Heidi Asbjornsen, John L. Campbell, Katie A. Jennings, Matthew A. Vadeboncoeur, Cameron McIntire, Pamela H. Templer, Richard P. Phillips, Taryn L. Bauerle, Michael C. Dietze, Serita D. Frey, Peter M. Groffman, Rosella Guerrieri, Paul J. Hanson, Eric P. Kelsey, Alan K. Knapp, Nathan G. McDowell, Patrick Meir, Kimberly A. Novick, Scott V. Ollinger, Will T. PockmanPaul G. Schaberg, Stan D. Wullschleger, Melinda D. Smith, Lindsey E. Rustad

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

32 Scopus citations


Precipitation regimes are changing in response to climate change, yet understanding of how forest ecosystems respond to extreme droughts and pluvials remains incomplete. As future precipitation extremes will likely fall outside the range of historical variability, precipitation manipulation experiments (PMEs) are critical to advancing knowledge about potential ecosystem responses. However, few PMEs have been conducted in forests compared to short-statured ecosystems, and forest PMEs have unique design requirements and constraints. Moreover, past forest PMEs have lacked coordination, limiting cross-site comparisons. Here, we review and synthesize approaches, challenges, and opportunities for conducting PMEs in forests, with the goal of guiding design decisions, while maximizing the potential for coordination. We reviewed 63 forest PMEs at 70 sites world-wide. Workshops, meetings, and communications with experimentalists were used to generate and build consensus around approaches for addressing the key challenges and enhancing coordination. Past forest PMEs employed a variety of study designs related to treatment level, replication, plot and infrastructure characteristics, and measurement approaches. Important considerations for establishing new forest PMEs include: selecting appropriate treatment levels to reach ecological thresholds; balancing cost, logistical complexity, and effectiveness in infrastructure design; and preventing unintended water subsidies. Response variables in forest PMEs were organized into three broad tiers reflecting increasing complexity and resource intensiveness, with the first tier representing a recommended core set of common measurements. Differences in site conditions combined with unique research questions of experimentalists necessitate careful adaptation of guidelines for forest PMEs to balance local objectives with coordination among experiments. We advocate adoption of a common framework for coordinating forest PME design to enhance cross-site comparability and advance fundamental knowledge about the response and sensitivity of diverse forest ecosystems to precipitation extremes.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2310-2325
Number of pages16
JournalMethods in Ecology and Evolution
Issue number12
StatePublished - Dec 2018


This project was supported by the Northeastern States Research Cooperative through funding made available by the USDA Forest Service. Additional funding was provided by the Iola Hubbard Climate Change Endowment at the University of New Hampshire, the NSF-funded Hubbard Brook Long-Term Ecological Research project, NASA grant NNX14AD31G, and the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station via a USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture McIntire-Stennis Project (Scientific Contribution Number NH00071-M). Participation of P.J.H. and S.D.W. was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science’s Terrestrial Ecosystem Science program. N.G.M. was supported by Pacific Northwest National Labs’ LDRD program. R.G. was supported by the MSCA-IF 2015 (grant 705432) within the EU-Horizon2020 program. R.P.P., M.D.S., and A.K.K. were supported by NSF’s Research Coordination Network Program (DEB 1701652). Conclusions and opinions in this paper are those of the authors and not of the funding agencies. New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station, Grant/Award Number: NH00071-M; Northern States Research Cooperative, Grant/Award Number: 14-DG-11242307- 142; National Science Foundation Long-Term Ecological Research, Grant/Award Number: 1637685; USDA Forest Service; University of New Hampshire; NASA, Grant/Award Number: NNX14AD31G; USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture McIntire-Stennis Project, Grant/Award Number: NH00071-M; U.S. Department of Energy; Office of Science’s Terrestrial Ecosystem Science program; Pacific Northwest National Labs’ LDRD program; MSCA-IF 2015; EU-Horizon2020 program; NSF’s Research Coordination Network Program This project was supported by the Northeastern States Research Cooperative through funding made available by the USDA Forest Service. Additional funding was provided by the Iola Hubbard Climate Change Endowment at the University of New Hampshire, the NSF-funded Hubbard Brook Long-Term Ecological Research project, NASA grant NNX14AD31G, and the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station via a USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture McIntire-Stennis Project (Scientific Contribution Number NH00071-M). Participation of P.J.H. and S.D.W. was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science's Terrestrial Ecosystem Science program. N.G.M. was supported by Pacific Northwest National Labs? LDRD program. R.G. was supported by the MSCA-IF 2015 (grant 705432) within the EU-Horizon2020 program. R.P.P., M.D.S., and A.K.K. were supported by NSF's Research Coordination Network Program (DEB 1701652). Conclusions and opinions in this paper are those of the authors and not of the funding agencies.

FundersFunder number
National Science Foundation Long-Term Ecological Research
New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station
USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture McIntire-Stennis Project
National Science FoundationDEB 1701652, 1637685
U.S. Department of Energy
National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationNNX14AD31G
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Office of ScienceMSCA-IF 2015
U.S. Forest Service
University of New Hampshire
New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory705432
Northeastern States Research Cooperative14-DG-11242307- 142


    • climate extremes
    • drought
    • ecological thresholds
    • savannas
    • shrublands
    • woodlands


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