Growth of Cr- and Co-doped CdSe crystals from high-temperature selenium solutions

O. O. Adetunji, N. Roy, Y. Cui, G. Wright, J. O. Ndap, A. Burger

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

14 Scopus citations


Transition metals in the group II-VI semiconductors have attracted considerable attention for their application as tunable mid-infrared (IR) lasers at room temperature. Very recently, Co-doped II-VI hosts have been considered as saturable absorber materials. In the present study, we have grown both Cr-doped and Co-doped CdSe by a high-temperature solution growth technique using Se as solvent. The Cr-doped CdSe was grown in 4, 000-ppm concentration. The Codoped CdSe crystals were grown in concentrations of 2, 000 ppm and 4, 000 ppm. The crystals were characterized by optical-absorption spectroscopy. The absorption-peak position for Cr was 1.92 μm, and for Co, the peak position was 1.8 μm. The doping concentrations for Cr-doped samples were estimated from optical-absorption spectra using the Beer-Lambert law. Good-quality, crackfree single crystals were grown; however, our near-IR transmission microscopy showed Se inclusions, which were also confirmed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The electrical-resistivity dependence on doping concentrations is presented and discussed. Glow discharge mass spectrometric (GDMS) measurements for the Co-doped sample are reported. The absorption cross section for Co was calculated for the first time using the Beer-Lambert law.

Original languageEnglish
Article number238
Pages (from-to)795-798
Number of pages4
JournalJournal of Electronic Materials
Issue number7
StatePublished - 2002
Externally publishedYes


The authors acknowledge the support of NASA through the Center for Photonic Materials and Devices under NASA Grant No. NCC5-286, and Dr. Kennedy Reed for his support through the Research Collaborations Program for HBCU/MIs under Grant No. DE-FG03-94SF20368 and NSF Grant Nos. DMR0097272 and EHR-0090526. The summer student intern acknowledges the support of NSF and the REU program through Grant No. DUE-9987224.

FundersFunder number
Center for Photonic Materials and DevicesDE-FG03-94SF20368, NCC5-286
National Science FoundationDUE-9987224, DMR0097272, EHR-0090526
National Aeronautics and Space Administration


    • Beer-Lambert law
    • Electrical resistivity
    • Glow discharge mass spectrometric (GDMS)
    • II-VI semiconductor
    • Mid-infrared solid-state laser
    • Optical transmission


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