Gradient nanostructured steel with superior tensile plasticity

Zhongxia Shang, Tianyi Sun, Jie Ding, Nicholas A. Richter, Nathan M. Heckman, Benjamin C. White, Brad L. Boyce, Khalid Hattar, Haiyan Wang, Xinghang Zhang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

35 Scopus citations


Nanostructured metallic materials with abundant high-angle grain boundaries exhibit high strength and good radiation resistance. While the nanoscale grains induce high strength, they also degrade tensile ductility. We show that a gradient nanostructured ferritic steel exhibits simultaneous improvement in yield strength by 36% and uniform elongation by 50% compared to the homogenously structured counterpart. In situ tension studies coupled with electron backscattered diffraction analyses reveal intricate coordinated deformation mechanisms in the gradient structures. The outermost nanolaminate grains sustain a substantial plastic strain via a profound deformation mechanism involving prominent grain reorientation. This synergistic plastic co-deformation process alters the rupture mode in the post-necking regime, thus delaying the onset of fracture. The present discovery highlights the intrinsic plasticity of nanolaminate grains and their significance in simultaneous improvement of strength and tensile ductility of structural metallic materials.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbereadd9780
JournalScience Advances
Issue number22
StatePublished - Jun 2023
Externally publishedYes


Acknowledgments:ElectronmicroscopyfacilitiesandtheI3SEMwerepro vided underauser proposalattheCenterforIntegratedNanotechnologies,anOfficeofScienceUserFa cility operatedfortheU.S.DepartmentofEnergy(DOE)OfficeofScience.W ealsoacknowledge accesstotheElectronMicroscopyFa cility CenteratPurdueUniversity.SandiaNational LaboratoriesisamultimissionlaboratorymanagedandoperatedbyNationalT echnology and EngineeringSolutionsofSandiaLLC,awhollyownedsubsidiaryofHoneywellInternationalInc., for the U.S. DOE’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA0003525. Any subjectiveviewsoropinionsthatmightbeexpressedinthepaperdonotnecessarilyrepresent theviewsoftheU.S.DOEortheU.S.Government.Funding:Thisresearchisfundedprimarilyby NSF-MOM2217727withS.Qidwaiastheprogrammanager.W eacknowledgeprimaryfinancial supportbyNSF-MOM2217727withS.Qidwaiastheprogrammanager.N.M.H.,B.L.B.,andK.H.

FundersFunder number
U.S. Department of Energy
National Nuclear Security AdministrationDE-NA0003525


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