Gold Nanoparticles with Antibiotic-Metallopolymers toward Broad-Spectrum Antibacterial Effects

Peng Yang, Parasmani Pageni, Md Anisur Rahman, Marpe Bam, Tianyu Zhu, Yung Pin Chen, Mitzi Nagarkatti, Alan W. Decho, Chuanbing Tang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

63 Scopus citations


Bacterial infection has evolved into one of the most dangerous global health crises. Designing potent antimicrobial agents that can combat drug-resistant bacteria is essential for treating bacterial infections. In this paper, a strategy to graft metallopolymer-antibiotic bioconjugates on gold nanoparticles is developed as an antibacterial agent to fight against different bacterial strains. Thus, these nanoparticle conjugates combine various components in one system to display enhanced bactericidal efficacy, in which small sized nanoparticles provide high surface area for bacteria to contact, cationic metallopolymers interact with the negatively charged bacterial membranes, and the β-lactam antibiotics' sterilzation capabilities are improved via evading intracellular enzymolysis by β-lactamase. This nanoparticle-based antibiotic-metallopolymer system exhibits an excellent broad-spectrum antibacterial effect, particularly for Gram-negative bacteria, due to the synergistic effect of multicomponents on the interaction with bacteria.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1800854
JournalAdvanced Healthcare Materials
Issue number6
StatePublished - Mar 21 2019
Externally publishedYes


P.Y. and P.P. contributed equally to this work. The support from National Institutes of Health (R01AI120987) is acknowledged.


  • antibiotics
  • antimicrobial
  • cobaltocenium
  • gold nanoparticles
  • metallopolymers


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