Global transverse energy distributions in Si+Al, Au at 14.6A GeV/c and Au+Au at 11.6A GeV/c

L. Ahle, Y. Akiba, D. Beavis, H. C. Britt, B. Budick, C. Chasman, Z. Chen, C. Y. Chi, Y. Y. Chu, V. Cianciolo, B. A. Cole, J. B. Costales, H. J. Crawford, J. B. Cumming, R. Debbe, J. Engelage, S. Y. Fung, M. Gonin, S. Gushue, H. HamagakiO. Hansen, R. S. Hayano, S. Hayashi, S. Homma, H. Kaneko, J. Kang, S. Kaufman, W. L. Kehoe, K. Kurita, M. J. LeVine, Y. Miake, D. P. Morrison, B. Moskowitz, S. Nagamiya, M. N. Namboodiri, T. K. Nayak, J. Olness, L. P. Remsberg, P. Rothschild, T. C. Sangster, R. Seto, K. Shigaki, R. Soltz, S. G. Steadman, G. S.F. Stephans, T. Sung, M. J. Tannenbaum, J. Thomas, S. Tonse, S. Ueno, J. H. van Dijk, F. Videbaek, O. Vossnack, F. Q. Wang, Y. Wang, H. E. Wegner, D. S. Woodruff, Y. D. Wu, K. Yagi, X. Yang, D. Zachary, W. A. Zajc

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

10 Scopus citations


Measurements of the global transverse energy distributions dσ/dET and dET/dη using the new AGS beam of 197Au at 11.6A GeV/c on a Au target, as well as a beam of 28Si at 14.6A GeV/c on Al and Au targets, are presented for a leadglass detector with acceptance 1.3 ≤ η ≤ 2.4 and 0 ≤ φ < 2π. The dσ/dET spectra are observed to have different shapes for the different systems and simple energy rescaling does not account for the projectile dependence. The Au+Au dσ/dET spectrum is satisfactorily constructed from the upper edge of Si+Au by the geometric Wounded Projectile Nucleon Model after applying a correction for the beam energy.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)258-264
Number of pages7
JournalPhysics Letters B
Issue number3-4
StatePublished - Jul 21 1994
Externally publishedYes


We gratefullayc knowledgteh e effortso f the BNL AGS, Booster and Tandem operationss taffs and the AGS riggers.W e thank C. Ogilvie for his critical readingo f the manuscriptT. his work has been supportedb y the U.S. Departmenot f Energy under contractsw ith ANL (W-31-109-ENG-38)B,N L (DE-AC02-76CH00016C),o lumbiaU niversity( DE-FG02-86-ER40281)M, IT (DE-AC02-76ER03069), UCR (DE-FG03-86ER40271b),y NASA under con-tractw ith the Universityo f California( NGR-05-003-513), and by the U.S.-Japan High Energy Physics CollaboratioTnr eaty.

FundersFunder number
U.S. Departmenot f EnergyDE-AC02-76CH00016C, W-31-109-ENG-38
National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationNGR-05-003-513
High Energy Physics
Universidad de Costa RicaDE-FG03-86ER40271b
lumbiaU niversityDE-FG02-86-ER40281, DE-AC02-76ER03069


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