Global particle confinement in the texas experimental tokamak

W. L. Rowan, C. C. Klepper, C. P. Ritz, R. D. Bengtson, K. W. Gentle, P. E. Phillips, T. L. Rhodes, B. Richards, A. J. Wootton

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95 Scopus citations


Particle transport in an ohmically heated tokamak plasma was investigated in the Texas Experimental Tokamak (TEXT). Spectroscopic measurements of the electron source were used with electron density measurements to derive particle confinement times from the continuity equation. Scalings were developed for particle confinement time with electron density, plasma current, toroidal field, and plasma positioning. Simultaneous measurement of electrostatic fluctuations with Langmuir probes may suggest a correlation between edge particle transport in TEXT and electrostatic turbulence. In addition, two major features of transport were isolated. First, transport is poloidally asymmetric at least in the plasma edge. Secondly, in some cases, the particle confinement scalings are closely associated with the scalings for recycling at particular surfaces. Similarities of the TEXT global particle confinement time scalings to those observed in other tokamaks may allow the conclusions of this work to be extended to other devices.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1105-1118
Number of pages14
JournalNuclear Fusion
Issue number7
StatePublished - Jul 1987
Externally publishedYes


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