Global coordinates of the SNS accelerator complex

W. Wan, J. Galambos, J. Wei

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The global coordinates of the Spallation Neutron Source are determined following the officially approved site wide coordinate system. Lattice output files from computer codes such as PARMILA, TRANSPORT and MAD are used. Integration of various parts of the facility is critical because they are designed by people from different partner labs. Issues related to integration, including interfacing between linac and ring, between beam transport line and the target and between accelerator and the conventional facility are presented.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages3
StatePublished - 2001
Event2001 Particle Accelerator Conference - Chicago, IL, United States
Duration: Jun 18 2001Jun 22 2001


Conference2001 Particle Accelerator Conference
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityChicago, IL


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