FTIR spectra of cyanamide complexes with hydrogen fluoride in solid argon

Rodney D. Hunt, Lester Andrews

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17 Scopus citations


Cyanamide vapor was condensed at 12 K with HF in excess argon producing a 1:1 complex of the form H2NCN-HF. The HF submolecule stretching fundamental was observed at 3458 cm-1, and the HF librational modes appeared at 694 and 686 cm-1, which are very similar to the HF modes observed for the CH3CN-HF complex. Several perturbed submolecule modes of cyanamide in the 1:1 complex were identified; large perturbations for the C≡N stretch at 2306 cm-1 and the N-C stretch at 1113 cm-1 and a small blue shift for the NH2 wag at 427 cm-1 support bonding of HF to the nitrile nitrogen. Increasing the HF concentration favored a 1:2 complex H2NCN-(HF)2 with two HF stretching modes appropriate for an open-chain structure.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2751-2755
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of Physical Chemistry
Issue number11
StatePublished - 1987
Externally publishedYes


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