Floating zone crystal growth of selected R2PdSi3 ternary silicides

Y. Xu, M. Frontzek, I. Mazilu, W. Löser, G. Behr, B. Büchner, L. Liu

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

11 Scopus citations


Substitution of various rare earths R within the class of R 2PdSi3 single crystals with hexagonal AlB2-type crystallographic structure reveals the systematic dependence of anisotropic magnetic properties governed by the interplay of crystal-electric field effects and magnetic two-ion interactions. Here we compare the floating zone (FZ) crystal growth with radiation heating of compounds with R=Tb, Tm, Pr and Gd. The congruent melting behavior enabled moderate growth velocities of 35 mm h -1. The composition of the crystals, except of Tb 2PdSi3, is slightly Pd-depleted with respect to the nominal concentration 16.7 at% Pd. Thin precipitates of RSi secondary phases were detected in the crystal matrix. Their phase fraction can be diminished by growth from appropriate feed rod compositions and/or annealing treatments. The compounds exhibit antiferromagnetic order below the Néel temperatures TN: 23.6 K (Tb2PdSi3), 1.8 K (Tm 2PdSi3), 2.17 K (Pr2PdSi3) and 22 K (Gd2PdSi3) with different grades of magnetic anisotropy.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)942-946
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of Crystal Growth
Issue number1
StatePublished - Mar 1 2011


The authors would like to express their gratitude to N. Wizent for assistance in crystal growth and X-ray experiments, A. Teresiak for X-ray phase analyses and S. Müller-Litvanyi and S. Pichl for their support in crystal characterization. The authors acknowledge the financial support by the China Scholarship Council File no. 2008629045 (Y.X.). Susceptibility measurements had been made using the facilities at the Institut für Festkörperphysik at the TU Dresden.


  • A2. Floating zone technique
  • A2. Single crystal growth
  • B1. Rare earth compounds
  • B2. Magnetic materials


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