First results of the full-array LCT coil tests

S. S. Shen, L. R. Baylor, J. A. Clinard, L. Dresner, J. F. Ellis, W. A. Fietz, W. M. Fletcher, P. N. Haubenreich, M. S. Lubell, J. W. Lue, J. N. Luton, T. J. McManamy, S. W. Schwenterly, R. E. Stamps, C. T. Wilson, R. E. Wintenberg, R. J. Wood, F. D. Cogswell, Y. Iwasa, W. HerzT. Kato, A. R. Ulbricht, L. O. Siewerdt, E. Wuechner, B. Jakob, J. A. Zichy, S. Kamiya, H. Mukai, K. Okuno

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3 Scopus citations


The international Large Coil Task (LCT) has designed, built, and is testing six different toroidal field coils. Each has a 2.5− × 3.5-m D-shaped bore, a current between 10 and 18 kA, and is designed for stable operation at 8 T. Three coils are bath-cooled; three are cooled by forced flow of helium at supercritical pressure. One uses Nb3Sn; the others NbTi. The test coils are equipped with voltage, temperature, magnetic field, flow pressure, strain, displacement, and acoustic emission sensors sufficient for penetrating analysis of performance field. Shakedown operation of the test. facility and preliminary tests of the first three coils were accomplished in 1984. Tests of the full six-coil toroidal array began early in 1986 and have progressed to the stage of design-current, design-field stability tests. Results to date have elucidated complex structural and electrical interactions in a multicoil array and provide gratifying assurance of coil performance.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1678-1682
Number of pages5
JournalIEEE Transactions on Magnetics
Issue number2
StatePublished - Mar 1987


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