First neutronics analysis for ITER bio-shield equatorial port plug

Tongqiang Dang, Dongchuan Ying, Qi Yang, Michael Loughlin, Andrew Davis

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Scopus citations


ITER equatorial port cell outside the bio-shield plug is a place to allow personnel access after shutdown that accommodates various sensitive equipment and pipes. Gamma dose rate after shutdown of 1 day in the port cell should be within 10 μSv/h for occupational safety which is one order of magnitude less than that in the port interspace by the shielding of bio-shield plug. To verify the shielding property of the bio-shield plug, the distributions of gamma dose rates in port cell were studied. Based on the ITER neutronics model Alite4 which is a three-dimensional ITER tokomak neutronics model for MCNP calculations with a 40 degree extent in the toroidal direction and vertical reflecting bounded planes on both sides, the equatorial port was updated according to a conceptual CAD model using Monte Carlo Automatic Modeling Program for Radiation Transport Simulation (MCAM). A 2-step method of gamma dose rate calculation was used for shutdown dose rates in CAD-based Multi-Functional 4D Neutronics Simulation System (VisualBUS). The result showed that gamma dose rates in the port cell were higher than the desired limit. Refinements to the bio-shield plug design were suggested to ensure that dose rates in the port cell were within the design value for maintenance access.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1447-1452
Number of pages6
JournalFusion Engineering and Design
Issue number7-8
StatePublished - Aug 2012
Externally publishedYes


  • Bio-shield plug
  • CAD-based Multi-Functional 4D Neutronics Simulation System
  • Gamma dose rate
  • ITER
  • Port cell


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