Field-tunable toroidal moment and anomalous Hall effect in noncollinear antiferromagnetic Weyl semimetal Co1/3TaS2

Pyeongjae Park, Yoon Gu Kang, Junghyun Kim, Ki Hoon Lee, Han Jin Noh, Myung Joon Han, Je Geun Park

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

19 Scopus citations


Combining magnetism with band topology provides various novel phases that are otherwise impossible. Among several cases, noncollinear metallic antiferromagnets can reveal particularly rich topological physics due to their diverse magnetic ground states. However, there are only a few experimental studies due to the lack of suitable materials, especially with triangular lattice antiferromagnets. Here, we report that metallic triangular antiferromagnet Co1/3TaS2 exhibits a substantial anomalous Hall effect (AHE) related to its noncollinear magnetic order. Our first-principles calculations found that hourglass Weyl fermions from the non-symmorphic symmetry trigger AHE. We further show that AHE in Co1/3TaS2 can be characterized by the toroidal moment, a vortex-like multipole component that arises from a combination of chiral lattice and geometrical frustration. Finally, the unusual field-tunability of the toroidal moment puts Co1/3TaS2 as a rare example of a noncollinear metallic antiferromagnet filled with interesting magnetic and topological properties.

Original languageEnglish
Article number42
Journalnpj Quantum Materials
Issue number1
StatePublished - Dec 2022
Externally publishedYes


We acknowledge Dr. S. Lee, and Profs. K-Y Choi, C. Lee, and K. H. Kim for allowing us to use their instruments at the various stages of this work. This work was supported by the Samsung Science & Technology Foundation (Grant No. SSTF-BA2101-05). One of the authors (J.-G.P.) is partly funded by the Leading Researcher Program of the National Research Foundation of Korea (Grant No. 2020R1A3B2079375).


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