Field-induced magnetic structures in Tb2 Ti2 O 7 at low temperatures: From spin-ice to spin-flip structures

A. P. Sazonov, A. Gukasov, I. Mirebeau, H. Cao, P. Bonville, B. Grenier, G. Dhalenne

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18 Scopus citations


We studied the field-induced magnetic structures of the Tb2 Ti2 O7 pyrochlore by single-crystal neutron diffraction with a magnetic field applied along a [110] axis, focusing on the influence of a small misalignment. Both induced magnetic structures with k=0 and k= (0,0,1) propagation vectors are found to be sensitive to the misalignment, which controls the magnitude and orientation of the Tb moments involved in the β chains, with local [111] anisotropy axis perpendicular to the field. For k=0, spin-icelike structures are observed for a misalignment of a few degrees whereas other structures, where the Tb-β moments flip by "melting" on the field axis, occur when the field is perfectly aligned. The field evolution of the k=0 structure is well reproduced by a molecular field model with anisotropic exchange. We give a complete symmetry analysis of the k=0 and k= (0,0,1) magnetic structures, both being described by the basis functions of single irreducible representations.

Original languageEnglish
Article number174406
JournalPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Issue number17
StatePublished - Nov 4 2010
Externally publishedYes


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