Ferroelectric Domain Walls in PbTiO3 Are Effective Regulators of Heat Flow at Room Temperature

Eric Langenberg, Dipanjan Saha, Megan E. Holtz, Jian Jun Wang, David Bugallo, Elias Ferreiro-Vila, Hanjong Paik, Isabelle Hanke, Steffen Ganschow, David A. Muller, Long Qing Chen, Gustau Catalan, Neus Domingo, Jonathan Malen, Darrell G. Schlom, Francisco Rivadulla

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

55 Scopus citations


Achieving efficient spatial modulation of phonon transmission is an essential step on the path to phononic circuits using "phonon currents". With their intrinsic and reconfigurable interfaces, domain walls (DWs), ferroelectrics are alluring candidates to be harnessed as dynamic heat modulators. This paper reports the thermal conductivity of single-crystal PbTiO3 thin films over a wide variety of epitaxial-strain-engineered ferroelectric domain configurations. The phonon transport is proved to be strongly affected by the density and type of DWs, achieving a 61% reduction of the roomerature thermal conductivity compared to the single-domain scenario. The thermal resistance across the ferroelectric DWs is obtained, revealing a very high value (≈5.0 × 10-9 K m2 W-1), comparable to grain boundaries in oxides, explaining the strong modulation of the thermal conductivity in PbTiO3. This low thermal conductance of the DWs is ascribed to the structural mismatch and polarization gradient found between the different types of domains in the PbTiO3 films, resulting in a structural inhomogeneity that extends several unit cells around the DWs. These findings demonstrate the potential of ferroelectric DWs as efficient regulators of heat flow in one single material, overcoming the complexity of multilayers systems and the uncontrolled distribution of grain boundaries, paving the way for applications in phononics.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)7901-7907
Number of pages7
JournalNano Letters
Issue number11
StatePublished - Nov 13 2019
Externally publishedYes


This work has received financial support from Ministerio de Economi a y Competitividad (Spain) under project no. MAT2016-80762-R Xunta de Galicia (Centro singular de investigacioi n de Galicia accreditation 2016-2019, ED431/09), the European Union (European Regional Development Fund-ERDF), and the European Commission through the Horizon H2020 funding by H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016 project no. 734187-SPICOLOST.*%blankline%* This work has received financial support from Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spain) under project no. MAT2016-80762-R, Xunta de Galicia (Centro singular de investigación de Galicia accreditation 2016-2019, ED431 G/09), the European Union (European Regional Development Fund-ERDF), and the European Commission through the Horizon H2020 funding by H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016 project no. 734187-SPICOLOST. E.L. acknowledges the funding received from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program through the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions: Individual Fellowship-Global Fellowship (ref. MSCA-IF-GF-708129). D.B. acknowledges financial support from MINECO (Spain) through an FPI fellowship (BES-2017-079688). The work at Cornell was supported by the Army Research Office under grant W911NF-16-1-0315. H.P. acknowledges support from the National Science Foundation [Platform for the Accelerated Realization, Analysis, and Discovery of Interface Materials (PARADIM)] under cooperative agreement no. DMR-1539918.

FundersFunder number
National Science FoundationDMR-1539918
National Science Foundation
Army Research OfficeW911NF-16-1-0315
Army Research Office
Horizon 2020 Framework Programme708129, 734187
Horizon 2020 Framework Programme
H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie ActionsMSCA-IF-GF-708129
H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
Family Process InstituteBES-2017-079688
Family Process Institute
European Commission
Ministerio de Economía y CompetitividadMAT2016-80762-R
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
Horizon 2020
European Regional Development Fund
Xunta de GaliciaED431 G/09
Xunta de Galicia
Centro Singular de Investigación de GaliciaED431/09
Centro Singular de Investigación de Galicia


    • Epitaxial strain engineering
    • domain walls
    • ferroelectrics
    • phononics
    • thermal conductivity
    • thin films


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