Feasibility Studies and Downselection of New Materials and Manufacturing Technologies for Nuclear Applications

TS Byun, David A. Collins, Yan-Ru Lin, Kevin O. Hanson, Bryant A. Kanies, Robin A. Montoya, Michael J. Brand, Erofili Kardoulaki, Miles F. Beaux II, A. David Andersson, Mohan Sai Kiran Kumar Yadav Nartu, Subhashish Meher, Isabella van Rooyen, Shalini Tripathi, Nathan Canfield

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


This report is intended to present the results of multi-laboratory collaborative studies on the feasibility and downselection of the structural materials that are newly considered for application to future nuclear energy technologies. The Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Techniques (AMMT) program has been implemented to develop cross-cutting technologies in support of a broad range of nuclear reactor technologies and to maintain U.S. leadership in materials and manufacturing technologies for nuclear energy applications. In line with these program objectives, this collaborative studies aim to explore new materials utilizing advanced manufacturing technologies. The FY23 research scope consists of the feasibility studies on new materials and relevant advanced manufacturing technologies, collection of materials properties data and knowledge through experiments and literature survey, and development and application of decision criteria matrix for downselecting candidate materials and manufacturing technologies. The three-laboratory efforts for FY23 have focused on the three new material groups including oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) materials, refractory composites and alloys, and high entropy alloys (HEAs) investigated, respectively, by Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) (work package: CT-23OR130406), Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) (CT-23LA130403) and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) (CT-23PN130408). The execution of this multi-lab research aimed to provide the AMMT program a merit-based feasibility study identifying an accelerated development path for these materials. A collaborative approach for achieving this goal was to develop a common materials evaluation criteria matrix and apply to all new candidate materials for the evaluation and prioritization of new materials using advanced manufacturing processes. The decision criteria matrix created is a matrix of criteria which a prospective material is scored against. The evaluation criteria are divided into four categories: Application Space, Environmental Compatibility, Physical & Mechanical Properties, and Manufacturability. Materials are given a score from 1−5 for each criterion, with the highest score (5) essentially mean that a material has the most near-term potential for application. Application of the decision criteria matrix will provide guidance to the future research on new materials.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationUnited States
StatePublished - 2023




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