Fatigue Testing and Characterization of Pre-hydrided Zircaloy-4 Cladding Tubes

Hong Wang, Paul Cantonwine, Yadu Sasikumar, Joshua Summers, Yong Yan, Nathan Capps, Kory Linton

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


The solubility of hydrogen in Zircaloy-4 (Zry-4) at the cladding operating temperature is near 100 wt. ppm. Above this solubility limit, excess hydrogen precipitates as δ-hydride platelets in the cladding material. Because of the effect of the thermal gradient across the cladding thickness on the migration and precipitation of hydrogen, hydride rims are often observed at the cladding outer surface; under excessive corrosion conditions hydride blisters are possible. It is well known that the fatigue of metal alloys, especially high cycle fatigue, is sensitive to the status of surface including the microstructure, roughness, and residual stress. Thus, the question considered herein, is whether excessive hydrogen pickup modifies the microstructure such that it has a degradation effect on the fatigue performance of cladding during operation. This report describes the evaluation of fatigue performance of a pre-hydrided Zry-4 cladding. A commercial Zry-4 was polished and pre-hydrided to 800 ppm and 1300 ppm H contents. The fatigue testing was conducted under strain control at 5 Hz with fully-reversed bending by using a cyclic integrated reversible bending fatigue tester (CIRFT). Six specimens with 1300 ppm and one specimen with 800 ppm were tested. Significant variation in test results were observed. While two of the 1300 ppm specimens failed with less than 1 ×105 cycles (at 0.32% and 0.41%), the four other samples did not fail over the strain amplitude range of 0.25% to 0.38%. Interestingly, the fracture initiation site of the failed samples was on the outside diameter (OD) surface rather than on the inside diameter (ID) surface as is typical for the as-polished cladding. This suggested a degrading effect of the hydriding process. Subsequently, three of the unfailed specimens were then further tested at ~0.43% to observe where failure initiation occurred. Significant variation was also observed in these three specimens. One specimen failed at ~9000 cycles while the two others failed at 43000 and 1.06 ×105 cycles. The performance here correlated to the location of failure initiation; failure initiated on the OD in the sample that failed after 9000 cycles while it initiated on the ID in the sample that failed after 43000 and 1.06 ×105 cycles. Flat features at the OD initiation sites suggest a brittle hydride feature on the surface of those samples was the cause of the degradation in fatigue performance, though the overall hydrogen levels in all samples was similar. A summary of all the observations is provided below: • The un-failed specimens with 1300 ppm H were cycled to failure with a higher amplitude near 0.43%. In addition, the fatigue-treated specimen tended to have a longer fatigue at the same induced amplitude. • Fractography revealed a mixed failure mode for the pre-hydrided specimen. Particularly, the specimen with fracture initiation site (FIS) located on the outer diameter surface of tube tended to have a shorter fatigue life than that of FIS on the inner diameter surface. • Etched cross section was shown to have hydride platelets aligned with tube longitudinal axis as expected, and the density of hydrides is at the similar level as in literature data. Meanwhile, a LECO procedure was applied for hydrogen concentration measurement, which showed the measured hydrogen contents are close to the nominal value. • With the polished cladding tube as baseline, O’Donnell-Lager (O-L) analysis showed that a decrease of about 50% in reduction-of-area (RA) would be needed for the O-L fitting to the fatigue data of 1300 ppm cladding. The suggestion for the next steps is provided.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationUnited States
StatePublished - 2024




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