Fast proton hopping detection in ice Ih by quasi-elastic neutron scattering

Itay Presiado, Jyotsana Lal, Eugene Mamontov, Alexander I. Kolesnikov, Dan Huppert

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38 Scopus citations


Quasi-elastic neutron scattering was employed on samples of HCldoped polycrystalline ice Ih. The analysis of the scattering signal provides the excess proton hopping time, thop, in the temperature range of 140-195 K. The hopping time strongly depends on the temperature of the sample, and the activation energy of a hopping step is 17 kJ/mol. The values of thop of the current experiment are in good agreement with calculated values derived from previous photochemical experiments,1 in which we found that the proton hopping time at T > 242 K is on the order of 200 fs, roughly 10 times shorter than in liquid water at room temperature.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)10245-10251
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of Physical Chemistry C
Issue number20
StatePublished - May 26 2011


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