Exploring the Use of FHWA Truck Traffic Volume and Weight Data to Support National Truck Freight Mobility Study

Ho-Ling Hwang, Hyeonsup Lim, Shih-Miao Chin, Chieh (Ross) Wang, Brennan Wilson

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


The goal of this exploratory study was to investigate alternative data sources and develop methodologies to estimate trends and adjustment factors that could be applied to calibrate statistics generated from the outdated 2002 VIUS. The main focus of this study was on utilizing the FHWA’s traffic data (i.e., VTRIS and TMAS), along with other supplemental freight data (i.e., FAF and CFS), to examine changes in truck volumes and truck weight distributions over time. Ultimately, this effort seeks to develop certain adjustments/factors that could be used to realign perspective VIUS data. Unfortunately, as pointed out previously in this technical memorandum, there are no readily available data sources that could be used to explicitly validate the estimated results from this study. This study compared the estimated distributions from the 2002 VTRIS to the 2002 VIUS data to establish linkages between the two datasets. With distributions and patterns generated based on VTRIS and TMAS data series for additional years, trend factors were then estimated and applied to “update” VIUS-based information. This study resulted in three key highlights: (1) Updated estimates on truck volume and truck VMT can be utilized to better estimate on energy uses by truck. (2) Vehicle class distribution, percent/share of empty trucks, and average truck payload could be updated by utilizing more current annual data series such as VTRIS and TMAS. (3) Additional information could be estimated (e.g., distance distribution by operational type) by integrating other data sources, such as CFS and FAF, instead of relying on the 2002 VIUS data.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationUnited States
StatePublished - 2019




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