Exploring fuel-saving potential of long-haul truck hybridization

Zhiming Gao, Tim J. LaClair, David E. Smith, C. Stuart Daw

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

18 Scopus citations


Comparisons are reported on the simulated fuel economy for parallel, series, and dual-mode hybrid electric long-haul trucks, in addition to a conventional powertrain configuration, powered by a commercial 2010-compliant 15-L diesel engine over a freeway-dominated heavy-duty truck driving cycle. The driving cycle was obtained by measurement during normal driving conditions. The results indicated that both parallel and dual-mode hybrid powertrains were capable of improving fuel economy by 7% to 8%. However, there was no significant fuel economy benefit for the series hybrid truck because of internal inefficiencies in energy exchange. When reduced aerodynamic drag and tire rolling resistance were combined with hybridization, there was a synergistic fuel economy benefit for appropriate hybrids that increased the fuel economy benefit to more than 15%. Long-haul hybrid trucks with reduced aerodynamic drag and rolling resistance offered lower peak engine loads, better kinetic energy recovery, and reduced average engine power demand. Thus, it is expected that hybridization with load reduction technologies offers important potential fuel energy savings for future long-haul trucks.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)99-107
Number of pages9
JournalTransportation Research Record
StatePublished - 2015


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