Experimental tests of linear and nonlinear three-dimensional equilibrium models in DIII-D

J. D. King, E. J. Strait, S. A. Lazerson, N. M. Ferraro, N. C. Logan, S. R. Haskey, J. K. Park, J. M. Hanson, M. J. Lanctot, Yueqiang Liu, R. Nazikian, M. Okabayashi, C. Paz-Soldan, D. Shiraki, A. D. Turnbull

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DIII-D experiments using new detailed magnetic diagnostics show that linear, ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) theory quantitatively describes the magnetic structure (as measured externally) of three-dimensional (3D) equilibria resulting from applied fields with toroidal mode number n = 1, while a nonlinear solution to ideal MHD force balance, using the VMEC code, requires the inclusion of n 1 to achieve similar agreement. These tests are carried out near ITER baseline parameters, providing a validated basis on which to exploit 3D fields for plasma control development. Scans of the applied poloidal spectrum and edge safety factor confirm that low-pressure, n = 1 non-axisymmetric tokamak equilibria are determined by a single, dominant, stable eigenmode. However, at higher beta, near the ideal kink mode stability limit in the absence of a conducting wall, the qualitative features of the 3D structure are observed to vary in a way that is not captured by ideal MHD.

Original languageEnglish
Article number072501
JournalPhysics of Plasmas
Issue number7
StatePublished - Jul 1 2015


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